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September 10, 2014

The Breakdown of Traffic Offenses

Filed under: DUI,Traffic Offenses — admin @ 10:48 am

Have you or a loved one been charged with a traffic offense? If so, The Blumenreich Law Firm can help. As an experienced criminal lawyer, Blumenreich understands how harsh Arizona’s traffic laws have become over the past few years. A metropolis such as Phoenix provides regulators with a large pool of drivers to observe and […]

December 20, 2013

How Reliable are Tests to Gauge Alcohol or Drug Levels?

Filed under: DUI,DWI — admin @ 3:56 pm

There have been quite a few stories in the news as of late describing DUI cases where the judge has had to dismiss evidence from field sobriety, urine, blood, and breathalyzer tests due to their unreliability. Here are some of the myths surrounding the common methods of measuring sobriety, and why it is better to […]

January 5, 2011

Are DUI field sobriety tests required?

Filed under: DUI,DWI — Josh Blumenreich @ 10:53 am

In case you are stopped, keep in mind that field sobriety tests are voluntary, and it is within your legal right, not to mention in your best interest, to politely refuse.

December 29, 2010

What to Do at an Arizona DUI Checkpoint

Filed under: Arizona Criminal Law,Drugs & Narcotics,DUI,DWI — Josh Blumenreich @ 1:45 pm

Here are a few ways you can prepare in case you are stopped at an Arizona DUI checkpoint.

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