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April 16, 2013

Expunging Your Conviction in Arizona

Having a criminal record makes the future after a conviction difficult, limiting your opportunities and affecting your life for years, even after having corrected your mistake. Employers and landlords may deny someone with a criminal record leaving returning to your normal life an uphill battle. Luckily, in many cases convictions can be expunged from record […]

December 29, 2010

What to Do at an Arizona DUI Checkpoint

Filed under: Arizona Criminal Law,Drugs & Narcotics,DUI,DWI — Josh Blumenreich @ 1:45 pm

Here are a few ways you can prepare in case you are stopped at an Arizona DUI checkpoint.

September 13, 2010

The Stages of a Criminal Case for a Felony

Filed under: Arizona Criminal Law,Criminal Trial Process — Josh Blumenreich @ 5:31 pm

If you’ve been charged with a felony in Arizona, you can expect for your case to go through these stages.

Arizona’s Zero-Tolerance Meth Policy

Filed under: Arizona Criminal Law,Defense Lawyer,Meth — Josh Blumenreich @ 5:25 pm

Drug charges are, of course, very serious matters in Arizona. But drug charges involving methamphetamines are particularly severe. Arizona has a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to possessing, manufacturing, transporting or selling meth and many task forces in place to enforce this policy. A conviction on a meth charge, a felony in Arizona, can result […]

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