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The Blumenreich Law Firm
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April 10, 2014

How a Criminal Defense Attorney Can Help You:

The conviction of a crime is a serious matter to any defendant, and those who have been charged with a criminal offense face a long road filled with legal stress. In order to greet the justice system with confidence that your case will be dismissed, it is imperative to work with a skilled criminal defense […]

March 10, 2014

Sex Offenses

The legal accusation of a sexual offense is a serious one. At The Blumenreich Law Firm, we understand the gravity of sex-related convictions. We also understand the importance of defending our clients’ rights. With the charge of a sex offense, an individual’s life and future becomes extremely vulnerable. Registered sex offenders are commonly cast aside […]

January 22, 2014

How to Prepare for Court

Arizona defense attorney Josh Blumenreich and The Blumenreich Law Firm understand the pressures of preparing for a court date. In order to ensure that things run smoothly, however, we have compiled a strategic list of specific ways in which you can organize yourself. The more knowledgeable you become about the court’s system, the more you […]

October 11, 2013

Distracted Driving in Arizona

Filed under: Arizona Criminal Law — Tags: , — Josh Blumenreich @ 8:00 am

Many states are recognizing that distracted driving can be very dangerous. It used to be that all we had to worry about was people glancing down to change the radio station or spilling coffee. Since there are a number of portable electronic devices now, driving that has ended in an accident has gone up exponentially. […]

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