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October 1, 2013

Types of Domestic Violence

Filed under: Domestic Violence — Tags: — Josh Blumenreich @ 8:00 am

domesticviolenceDomestic violence can be defined in many different ways, but one definition that encompasses every form is: a pattern of abusive behavior to gain power or control over their partner. In most cases, domestic violence is physical, but it can also be psychological, emotional, sexual or even economical. Various threats are used to influence the other member of the relationship by manipulation, terrorizing, or blaming their partner.

  • Physical Abuse – Clear signs of physical abuse are hitting, grabbing, slapping, hair pulling and biting. Less obvious acts of physical abuse are forcing alcohol and/or drugs onto their partner or refusing the need of medical attention.
  • Psychological Abuse – There are a number of ways psychological abuse can take place. Most psychological abuse is derived by causing fear into their partner. Threatening to harm their self, their partner, children, family, friends, property and even their pets. This kind of behavior forces isolation from any kind of social activity with family or friends.
  • Emotional Abuse – Constant criticizing, name-calling and damaging their relationship with his or her children are all factors of diminishing ones self-worth or self-esteem.
  • Sexual Abuse – This form of abuse can be defined as any attempt to coerce sexual contact or behaviors without consent. Treating their partner in a sexually demeaning way, forcing sexual relations after an episode of physical violence, attacks on certain parts of the body or marital rape are all classified as sexual abuse.
  • Economical Abuse – Trying to make their partner financially dependent by maintaining total control over finances. This also includes not allowing their partner access to money or not allowing him or her to attend schooling or finding a job of their own.

Even though the forms of psychological, emotional and economical abuse aren’t actual criminal offenses, they can still lead to domestic violence if not checked. Most victims of domestic violence are women; men can also be victims of these crimes as well. Before you start to believe that domestic violence can’t happen to you, remember, it reaches out through any age, culture, educational level or socio-economic status within our society.

Being accused of assault or domestic violence can cause a heavy burden on your name and your loved ones. The Blumenreich Law Firm will provide an experienced attorney that brings along a vigorous and well-planned representation that is vital to your case. Please call us for a free consolation today at 602-252-2570 or check out our website at